Sunday, 15 May 2011

V & J

I'm really enjoying this journey into photography for a few reasons, the obvious is of course how exciting it is to learn about the camera and through that learning how to take photos as opposed to snapshots. The other is getting to see friends I haven't seen in forever as was the case today. I haven't seen these 2 in four years so it was extra special for me to be able to do these pictures for them.

I was so proud of myself today, I learnt from the last session about forming the pose around the lighting rather than just taking pictures because it was a great pose. The river valley provided a lot of great lighting and backdrop however and I look forward to the next opportunity I have to shoot there. I had a few issues with shutter speed today, I had a hard time figuring out the correct speed for the lighting as it was later in the day than I usually do, however with it being later I got a couple great pictures of the sun flaring in the corner. I still have so much to learn!!